Brian TRapp

Brian Trapp is a fiction and nonfiction writer from Cleveland, Ohio.  

His short stories and essays have appeared in the Southern Review, Kenyon Review, Longreads, Gettysburg Review, Narrative, Ninth Letter, Reportagen, and Brevity, among other publications, and have been listed as Notable in Best American Essays and anthologized in the Best of Brevity. His work predominantly focuses on growing up with his twin brother, Danny, who had cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities and was also very funny.

In recent years, he has received a Steinbeck Fellowship, an Elizabeth George Foundation grant, an Oregon Arts Fellowship, a Sewanee Writer’s Conference Borchardt Scholarship, a Tin House Summer Residency, and a Taft Fellowship from the University of Cincinnati, where he completed his PhD.  

A former journalist, editor, camp counselor, and group home aide, he is the director of Disability Studies and the Kidd Creative Writing Workshops at the University of Oregon. He is currently at work on a novel.